Our Legacy: 100 years of Sisterhood and Service...
Forging ahead with Increased Advocacy, a Stronger Voice, and a Stronger Presence

Chapter Mission

The mission of North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is to provide economical, political, educational, health, spiritual, and cultural awareness for North Dallas and its northern suburban communities. This chapter is committed to the purpose and objectives of our national organization, the moral and spiritual values of our founders, the preservation of the African American family, the diligence of public service, the retention of active members, the reclamation of inactive members, and the recruitment of new members. To this end, the chapter will strive to create an atmosphere of unity that will enhance and enrich the communities and reinvigorate our bond to Delta Sigma Theta and our commitment to public service.

This chapter is a sisterhood committed to community service in the cities of Carrollton, Dallas, Garland, Mesquite, Plano and Richardson.

Chapter Leadership

Chapter Officers/Assistants

Chapter President: Jada R. Burton
1st Vice President: Patricia A. Jenkins
2nd Vice President: Alma Terry
Recording Secretary: LaToya Prevost
Treasurer: Shondra Fields
Financial Secretary: Monica Lott
Assistant Financial Secretary: Tricia Raper-Combs
Corresponding Secretary: Shannon Loupe'
Chaplain: Kay Futrell, Barbara Speed
Chaplain's Council: Cordelia Alexander, Ashley Hyder
Custodian: Renay Jones, Felicia Fuller
Historian: Melissa Elliott, Erika McMillian
Immediate Past President: Carolyn Matthews
Parliamentarian: Delores Stephens, Sandra Parker
Public Media Specialist: Lisa Morgan, Delbra Bristol
Sergeant-At-Arms: Kit Norman, Michelle Blakely, Danielle Rhodes

Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs

Arts and Letters: Teneil Lewis, Nakia Burns
Audit: Sharon Turnley-Turner
Budget and Finance: Shondra Fields
Delta Academy/Delta GEMS: Courtney Lomax, Carol Williams, Monica Brown
Delta Dears: Delores Wilson
Elections: Terry Brown
EMBODI: Chariessa Payne, Demia DuPuch
Founders Day: Cynthia O'Banner, Demetria Hall
Fundraising: James Spigner, Geniece Yelder
     Housing and Properties: Carolyn Matthews, Cineada Davis
Heritage and Archives: Melissa Elliott, Erika McMillan
Information Technology and Communications: Teresa Love, Nikela Pradier
Membership Services: Pat Jenkins
Hospitality: Kay Futrell, Barbara Speed
Nominating: Patrice Warren
Pan-Hellenic Council Representatives: Tierney Johnson, Renee James
Physical and Mental Health: Nora Durham, Carol Pope-Cody
     NDSA Step Team: Tierney Johnson, Stephanie Payton
Program Planning and Development: Alma Terry
Project S.E.E. (Science and Everyday Experiences): Damali Asberry, Dior Berry
Rise and Fly Together (R.A.F.T.): Ambrah Calloway, Nikki Travis
Ritual and Ceremonies: Shanda Wright, Regina Cotton
Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures: Delores Stephens, Sandra Parker
Scholarship: Kenetha Belizaire, Odessa Beverly-Johnson
Social Action: Lacy Durham, Gayna Jefferson, Carla Collier
The Voices: Joy Hayden

Chapter History


The North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered in March 24, 1996 when 43 women unified to promote and enrich the African American community. The goals of this union were to provide empowerment, economic development, and educational attainment.

Inspiration began humbly in the halls of the Hamilton Park United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas where active and in-active members of Delta Sigma Theta witnessed the men of Alpha Phi Alpha mentor the male youth of their church. It was through that inspiration Soror Tawanda "T.J." Jackson developed the concept of the "Five Point Delta," an annual retreat for the female youth of the church. Their mission was to teach young women the virtues of a Christian life. Inspirational speakers facilitated dialogue with the young women providing instructions on Christian morals, proper speech and table etiquette.

"We talked to them about such things as teen pregnancy, economics, government, politics, and family life"
said Soror Robbie Odame-Lartey,
a "Five Point Delta" member.

After several years of providing these services to the female youth of their church, the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta decided to establish a local chapter offering community programs to the North Dallas suburbs, based on the ideals and programs of their national organization. Sorors decided to expand their efforts by providing opportunities which allowed youth to grow and develop under the leadership of positive role models.

Today, North Dallas Suburban Alumnae is still dedicated to the vision of our glorious Sorority and committed to our chapter's mission.


P.O. Box  830604 Δ Richardson, TX 75083-0604 Δ 214.452.7835 Δ info@dstndsa.org

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter.