Our Legacy: 100 years of Sisterhood and Service...
Forging ahead with Increased Advocacy, a Stronger Voice, and a Stronger Presence

Frequently Asked Questions!
1. Question:   How can I find more information about your sorority?


  Please refer to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. official website for more information about this sorority. (www.deltasigmatheta.org)
2. Question:   How can I become of member of  Delta Sigma Theta?


  At this time, The North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter  has no plans for membership intake.

Please refer to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. official website for more information about this sorority. (www.deltasigmatheta.org)

3. Question:   I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta and would like to visit a NDSA chapter meeting.  What do I need to know before visiting?



Meetings of the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae chapter are only open to the duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in good standing. Consequently, proof of membership is required and must be verified before admittance to chapter meetings is granted. Visiting sorors must be prepared to present their membership cards or credentials and photo identification to the NDSA Sergeant-At-Arms upon arrival.

If you desire to attend our meetings, but have misplaced your membership card and are unable to verify your membership by other means, please complete the membership verification form at least 3 days prior to attending the meeting. Once your membership is verified, we gladly contact you.

Additionally, please be advised that business attire is required for every chapter meeting (no denim, khaki, shorts, flip flops, etc.).

First time visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes early as credentials are verified prior to admitting new members into the meeting.

4. Question:   If I pledged in an undergraduate chapter but didn't graduate, can I be an active member of your alumnae chapter?


  Yes, Please come and be active with NDSA.
5. Question:   I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta (but I'm not currently financial or I'm interested in transferring my membership) and would like to join NDSA Chapter.  What do I need to do to become a member of NDSA Chapter?


  Please complete the membership verification form , whether you are transferring your membership or not currently financial.  Once,your information is verified, you will be contacted by our Finance team.
6. Question:   Do you provide scholarships to high school students?


  Yes, NDSA offers scholarships to high school students. Please e-mail us if interested.

P.O. Box  830604 Δ Richardson, TX 75083-0604 Δ 214.452.7835 Δ info@dstndsa.org

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter.