Our Legacy: 100 years of Sisterhood and Service...
Forging ahead with Increased Advocacy, a Stronger Voice, and a Stronger Presence

Delta Academy/GEMS

The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy and Delta GEMS is a national program sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., a public-service sorority. The purpose of the program, which features two age appropriate groups, is to enhance the future of young African-American girls.

Delta Academy is designed for girls, ages of 11- 14, who demonstrate the potential to succeed, but may not have the necessary support systems in place to help them believe they can excel in math, science, and technology, and be prepared to compete for the jobs of the future. The theme, “Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women for the 21st Century” embodies this thrust.
Delta Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully (GEMS), is designed for girls, ages of 14 thru 18. A natural outgrowth and expansion for the continuation of the highly successful “Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy, Delta GEMS was created to “catch the dreams” of African American adolescent girls and provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the development of a “CAN DO” attitude.

Click here to download an application.


For more information on our national programs,
please visit the official website of

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.: (www.deltasigmatheta.org)

P.O. Box  830604 Δ Richardson, TX 75083-0604 Δ 214.452.7835 Δ info@dstndsa.org

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter.